
Annual Exams

Ensure your pet’s health with thorough annual exams. Comprehensive evaluations for long-term well-being.

a person holding a dog

Annual Exams Pricing

Annual Exams

Routine annual exams: $100


Prices range from $45 to $300 depending on the type of lab work your pet needs

i.e. CBC, Chemistry, Urine, Fecal, 4dx/3dx. As an example, minor lab work like fecal testing and heartworm tests are usually less expensive than a full panel of blood work like CBC, Chemistry, Urine Culture etc.

Travel Fee

Inside Service Area: $75 Base Fee

Outside Service Area: $125 to $150

For Clients seeking medical care outside of our service area, please contact us first to see if we are able to travel to you.

Canine Vaccines

Prices range from $30 to $65 depending on the vaccine

DHPP, Bordetella, Lepto, Lyme, Rabies, etc.

Feline Vaccines

Prices range from $40 to $60 depending on the vaccine

FVRCP, Rabies, etc.

Special Appointment Requests


Same-day appointments, Saturday/Sunday appointments, and weekday appointments after 5:00pm.

Holiday Appointments


Holidays include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

We will provide a detailed invoice of your requested services – including travel fee, wellness visit fee, minor illness fee, and any other treatments, labwork, or other testing, etc. – prior to performing them. If you need lab work that is not listed here, we can provide that as well and will include it on your detailed invoice.